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MATLAB App Desiging Using Guide and AppDesigner
Introductory Notes and Remarks on using GUIDE
Introduction to course and instrutor (3:56)
Basics of the Guide
Accessing Guide and Available Controls (7:22)
Properties of controls (Initial values and tags) (8:07)
Positioning and aligning controls (7:26)
Grid and Lines (6:32)
Customizing tabbing behavior (5:53)
The created functions in the dot m file (5:22)
The set and get functions (6:54)
Linking the code with the GUI
GUI for a simple product program (7:13)
Including tables in GUI (8:51)
Working with the slider and including graphs (5:52)
Setting up a background image of a button (Codes given) (3:14)
Setting the menu (7:04)
Changing the backgrounds of a GUI (6:10)
Button group and radio buttons (9:02)
Using checkboxes (7:18)
Reading a file (text file) and displaying its contents (5:05)
Explaining toggle buttons (3:56)
Pop up menu and list boxes (7:56)
hObject and Handles (3:20)
Advance techniques for GUIDE
Passing values between GUI's (6:55)
Passing values between two call back functions (8:43)
How to pass command line arguments to the GUI (4:06)
Solution to assignment (7:48)
Sample projects with GUIDE
Sample project 1- Building a Calculator (18:05)
Sample Project 2 Image Processing (Part 1) (11:01)
Sample Project 2 Image Processing (Part 2) (7:38)
More Useful Tricks and Examples with GUIDE
A trick with the visibility option of text box (5:27)
Simple string manipulation and user notification (4:37)
Deleting elements from a List box one by one programatically (8:10)
Adding elements to a list box programatically (4:02)
Selection Determination and Counter (6:00)
Interacting with GUI from Keyboard (4:47)
User notifications during processing with a push button (4:44)
List box Choice Restriction (6:55)
Sample Project 2 Image Processing (Part 1)
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